Smoking, secondhand smoke increase COVID-19 risks

Smoking and vaping increase the risks of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19. Allowing smoking indoors increases the risks for everyone in the area.

“Since COVID-19 attacks the respiratory system, it is critical to prevent exposure to anything that would weaken the lungs.” That is according to an article released by Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation (ANRF). They cautioned that that includes children.

Secondhand smoke can also hinder proper lung development in children, promoting asthma and many other problems.

ANR advises people who smoke or vape, to do it outdoors, to reduce the potential for harm to others.

They point out that secondhand smoke damages the immune system and causes other underlying health conditions, which is a risk factor for more severe COVID symptoms.

Another cause for concern is that the smoke or aerosol particles that are released into the air by someone who is smoking or vaping, provide another avenue for the viruses that cause COVID-19 to travel and be inhaled by others.

Read the ANRF story at